Anywhere in the world, if you ask a person who is intelligent and
informed to name some significant Australians who have made a
difference to the world, they are likely to name a number of scientists,
medical researchers and
inventors. These are areas in which Australia has excelled and this
is demonstrated by the fact that Australia has produced a remarkable
number of Nobel Prize winners for its
small population. Even those with little interest in scientific advancements will probably be able to point out
Australia's achievement in sport and light entertainment and
mention a number of names. Not bad for a country of not much more than 20 million people.
And even though our notable writers, painters and other creative artists have
not had the same impact on the world stage as our scientists, they have
still been important in forging a sense of place and identity for
White Hat set ourselves the task of choosing 200 Significant
Australians. What follows is the result.
Related information:
Pioneers & explorers
See also Douglas
Mawson (geologist), Dick Smith
Inventors & Engineers
John Bradfield (engineer)
- - designer of one of Australia’s most recognisable
Sir Edward Hallstrom (inventor, manufacturer, philanthropist)
- the bringer of practical refrigeration to the outback
William Hudson (engineer)
H. V. McKay
(inventor, entrepreneur, businessman)
- whose invention was the basis for a major manufacturing enterprise
Sir John Monash (soldier, administrator, engineer)
- regarded during his lifetime as the ‘greatest living Australian’
See also Pro Hart
and Australian inventors &
Science, mathematics & medicine
Dr Elizabeth Blackburn
(scientist) - winner of the Nobel Prize for her work in genetics
Sir Lawrence
Bragg (mathematician, physicist, Nobel Laureate) - the youngest-ever
recipient of the Nobel Prize.
Vivian Bullwinkle (nurse, war hero)
Sir Frank
Macfarlane Burnet (scientist)
Clarke (scientist)
Graeme Clark whose invention has transformed the lives of tens of
thousands throughout the world.
Sir Ian
Clunies-Ross (vetinary scientist)
Peter Doherty (scientist)
who received the Nobel Prize for his work in immunology
Raymond Dart (anthropologist)
discoverer of Australopithecus africanus
Sir Edward
(�Weary�) Dunlop (surgeon, war hero) whose courage and compassion
inspired a generation.
Sir John Eccles
(neurophysiologist, philosopher, Nobel Laureate)
Frank Fenner who
among his many achievements was awarded the Japan Prize (the applied science
equivalent of the Nobel Prize) for his extraordinary contribution to the
worldwide eradication of smallpox.
Tim Flannery (scientist, author) whose books such as The Weather
Makers have been recognised worldwide as groundbreaking.
Lord Howard
Florey (medical researcher) whose work resulted in the saving of
millions of lives.
Fred Hollows
Marshall (medical researcher) whose discovery regarding the
treatment of stomach ulcers (tested by infecting himself) to this day
is estimated to save over a million lives a year.
Sir Douglas
Mawson (geologist, explorer)
Robert May
Sir Gustav
('Gus') Nossal (immunoligist, medical researcher)
Sir Marcus
Oliphant (nuclear physicist, Governor)
Professor Brian Schmidt
Fiona Stanley
Sutherland (epidemiologist)
Dr Terence Tao (mathematician)
who is internationally recognised as a mathematical genius and in 2006 received the Fields
Medal (the mathematical equivalent of the Nobel Prize).
Alan Truonson
(IVF researcher)
Akshay Venkatesh
(mathematician) who in 2018 received the Fields
Medal in recognition for his groundbreaking work.
Ferdinand von Mueller (botanist)
Alan Walsh
Waterhouse (entymologist)
Geordie Williamson
See also Shirley Strickland
Delahunty (athlete, scientist) and Harry Messel (physicist,
Business & philanthropy
Also see David
Bussau (businessman, social achiever)
See also
Australian Prime
Other social achievers
Also see Sir John Eccles (neurophysiologist, philosopher, Nobel Laureate)
and Mr
Eternity (social achiever)
Also see Robert
Hughes (writer, art critic)
Also see Ned Kelly
Theatre & film
Music & Opera
Also see Adam Lindsay Gordon
Also see Sir John Monash.and
Banjo Paterson.
Also see Kerry
Packer, Rupert Murdoch
Popular entertainment
Peter Allen
(entertainer, songwriter)
Robyn Archer
Slim Dusty
John Farnham
Florrie Forde (popular
entertainer and singer) probably Australia's most successful popular singer
ever who became one of the best loved music hall
entertainers in the world.
Clive James
Graham Kennedy
Kylie Minogue
(singer, actress, marketer) - although her talents as a singer and actress
may not be of the highest class she has recognized how to skillfully
market her image as a total package and as such has proved herself a
consummate business woman
Roy Rene
('Mo') (comedian)
Infamous Australians
Copyright © 1995 - 2025
White Hat.
See also:
Some forthcoming events related to 200 Significant Australians: