Home > Australia > Classical Music > Bevan Leviston
Significant creators, researchers and performers
Bevan Leviston
Bevan Leviston
writer, conductor, historian, educator, fláneur
The White Hat Guide to
Bevan Leviston
Studied conducting under John Hopkins
Conductor - Ars Nova of Melbourne, Monash University Choral Society,
Melbourne University Choral Society, guest conductor for a variety of
orchestras and choirs. Associate Conductor for Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
for several concerts and recordings
Founder and Director of Ars Nova of Melbourne
Organist - St Kilda Methodist Church, St David-s Arncliffe, Camberwell
Congregational Church
- Pastime With Good Company (Bonn Recording
- Grainger The Warriors (HMV/ABC) -
associate conductor to John Hopkins with the Melbourne Symphony
- Various recordings for ABC Radio-s In Quires and Places
Selection of significant works conducted
- Stravinsky Les Noces (staged version)
- Orff Carmina Burana, Catulli Carmina
- Varesé Ionisation
- Hovhaness Magnificat
- Lambert The Rio Grande
- Britten A Ceremony of Carols, Saint Nicolas
- Colin Brumby Euripides (world premiere)
- Copland Fanfare For The Common Man
- Ives From the Steeples and Mountains
- Janáček Octe Nas
- Holst Psalm 86
- Vaughan Williams Mass
- Fauré Requiem, Cantique de Jean Racine
- Dvořák Mass
- Gounod St Cecilia Mass
- Mozart Requiem
- Haydn Nelson Mass, Mass in Time of War, Thersa
- Bach St John Passion (first Australian
performance with period instruments), various cantatas
- A. Scarlatti St Cecilia Mass
- Biber Salzburg Mass in 53 voices (for 2
eight-part choirs, 16 soloists and 6 orchestras - largest-scale extant
Baroque composition)
- Purcell Come Ye Sons of Art, Welcome to all the
Pleasures, Funeral Music for Queen Mary
- Tallis Spem in Alium (40 part motet)
- Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 (polychoral
cathedral performance with period instruments)
- Numerous smaller scale works from the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Professional classical music reviewer for The Herald
for a number of years. Also occasional guest reviewer for The
- Author of various academic articles on maths, maths education, and
- Writer of over 700 editions of a popular weekly newsletter with over
15,000 loyal followers.
- Author of several hundred articles for the White Hat Website on
topics such as Australian history and biographies, Australian
inventions, architecture and engineering.
- Researched, scripted, composed music for, and produced numerous
video productions mainly associated with Melbourne history.
- Various shorter scripts for Ars Nova of Melbourne including the
popular Canonical Instrument Demonstration.
Academic & Training
- 15 years as a tertiary maths lecturer (and later computer
co-ordinator) at Coburg State College and Australian Catholic University
- Clayton Campus
- Author, facilitator and trainer for numbers of courses for business
including topics such as change management, career transition, yield
marketing, train-the-trainer, relational database management and machine
learning & artificial intelligence.
- Researched and conducted numerous historical tours of central
Melbourne and historical venues such as the Melbourne General Cemetery.
Corporate & Business
- National Marketing Manager - Barson Computers
- Marketing Manager - Acorn Computers Australia
- Founder & Director - Ars Nova of Melbourne
- Founder & Director - Melbourne Music Calendar
- Co-founder & Director - Black Box Company
- Founder & Director - White Hat Publishing
- Programmed various educational software packages such as
Quick Cartage Company, Sheep Dog Trial (both Jacaranda), MBJ
Graph Plotter, Talkwriter, 6502 Decompiler etc.
- Authored various utility programs for Acorn/BBC, Apple, Econet,
Alpha Micro and Acorn ARM/Archimedes environments.
- IT manager for both educational and administrative computing
- Developed and maintained large scale web sites with database back
- Have worked with machine code from 6502 to ARM, COBOL, Fortran,
Forth, BASIC, Logo, C family, Python, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, ASP.NET and
most recently in AI assisted programming.
Theatre & Performing
- Have been Musical Advisor for Malthouse Theatre.
- Musical Director for several amateur production of Gilbert &
- Staging of the original mediaeval songs from the Carmina
Burana followed by conducting the Orff Carmina
Burana in a sold-out performance at the Melbourne Concert Hall (now
Hamer Hall).
- Performed one man show at The Abbey
- Performed a number of lengthy monologues such as The Lai of the
Twelve Noble Wives to a variety of audiences.
Some current interests
- Currently attending lectures at James Cook University in the
areas of Archaeology, Geophysics and Graphic Information Systems as well
as being an active participant in the Queensland Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Cairns Hub and the JCU Founders-In-Residence collective at the JCU
Ideas Lab.
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