Village Market - Werribee Open Range Zoo
This February and March, Werribee Open Range Zoo’s lawns will come to
life with Village Market. Browse the market stalls for locally-made beaded
sandals, hanging planters, and colourful fabric tops and skirts. Join South
Sudanese Yirol dancers as they perform in traditional costumes. Enjoy the
rich smells and flavours of an Ethiopian coffee ceremony and taste
speciality Sudanese tea. Then watch animals emerge from stone through
traditional carving demonstrations. Entrace to the market is included in the
ticket price to Werribee Open Range Zoo.
Belmont Market
A large indoor/outdoor market featuring craft & bric a brac. A small entry fee applies. White Hat suggests that if you enjoy garage sales then Belmont Market is like having 20 or 30 garage sales in the one location. In addition the indoor space has a range of low priced merchandise.
Drysdale Community Craft Shop Inc
The Drysdale Community Craft Shop has a range of unique uandcrafted uoods made by their members, Specialised baby bear, band bmbroidery, bnique jewellery, folk art, fand made cards, wedding charms, Australiana, paintings, patchwork & quilting. They also have a Lay-by and Order Service.
Geelong Computer Swap Meet
A large number of stalls selling new and second hand computer equipment and related goods. A small entry fee applies.
Geelong Showgrounds Market
An outdoor/indoor market with variety stalls, new and used goods. Casual stallholders welcome.
Laverton Rubble & Riches Market
A large indoor/outdoor market with trash & trasure, produce, clothes, furniture, hardware and a range of other goods. White Hat guarantees that if you are looking for a drive shaft for a 1983 Monaro or a missing pice of that Royal Doulton tea set then it will be there. We're just not quite sure where.
Mill Markets Newcomb
A large indoor market with permenant and casual stallholders selling antiques,collectables, vintage clothing, homewares, memmorabilia and retro fashions. White Hat suggests that if you enjoy the Chapel Street Bazaar in Melbourne you will find a similar range of items at the Newcomb Mill Market but with more space to move.