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Gertrude Street Projection Festival

6pm to midnight
21st to 30th July 2017
Gertrude Street, Fitzroy
(Full length of street)
Website: GSPF

  • 2015 GSPF Highlights
  • GSPF
  • GSPF Mentorship Program 2015 - EXTENDED
  • The Wheel Of Fate - GSPF 2015


Commencing in 2007 the Gertrude Street Projection Festival has grown to become  one of inner Melbourne�s most visible and accessible free large scale arts festival. The festival celebrates projection art and lets us see familiar spaces and buildings in new, inspired ways. It�s a collaborative, volunteer effort of artists and traders, residents and community groups all brought together by The Gertrude Projection Association.

For 10 evenings in July and in over 38 sites, the length of Gertrude Street in Fitzroy is illuminated by the visions of talented projections artists for the Gertrude Street Projection Festival. Buildings, laneways, footpaths and tree trunks light up with site-specific, curated projections. The Festival�s diverse arts program celebrates and connects our diverse community.

Our rating - 4 Hats

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